IEP Subject Tab, Goals, and Progress Report
ESGI’s IEP (Individualized Education Program) Subject Tab, Goals, and Progress Report will be where Specialists can now leverage ESGI’s assessments as a starting point to create and track IEP goals. This is a completely customizable process, in which users will be able to use any test in ESGI’s platform as a way of creating and measuring an IEP goal. The instructions for creating IEP Subject Tabs, Goals, and Progress Reports are as follows:
IEP Goals & Report
- The IEP functionality has two parts:
- Setting and maintaining the IEP goals
- Generating the printable report
Setting IEP Goals:
- Specialist users can set up an IEP goal to any test in ESGI
- Please note that users can only set up a single IEP goal per student, per test
- Here is the Specialist user’s homepage:
- From the Specialist user home page, you can click on the newly created IEP Goals subject tab, as shown above
- You can add a goal by clicking on “Add Test” under “Subject Tabs & Testing” in the right margin of the screen:
- Then, you’ll add Students, to make sure they’re eligible to take tests and have subsequent IEP Goals attached to them (Click on/use the “+” sign next to “All Students” below to add Students):
- Once you’ve added a Student, you can click on “IEP Goals” under “Specialist Reports” in the right margin:
- Fill out the fields in the goal (Note that the only required field is the IEP Goal itself)
- Additionally, if click “Status,” you can manually add various Status types that you feel will be appropriate for your Student
IEP Goal Page:
Completed “IEP Goal” field and Statuses (manually created):
Other notes about the IEP Goal fields:
- Benchmark/Narrative: These are notes that the user can write in, which are relevant to the Student’s progress (automatically date stamped with the corresponding status)
- Notes: These are additional notes that don’t fall into the Benchmark/Narrative bucket mentioned above
- Recommendations: These are typically set upon completion of the IEP Goal or end of IEP period
- IEP Dates: to set your start and end dates for the IEP Goal (Also, please note that if you do not click IEP Dates to edit the start/end dates, the start date will be set as the day you initially created and saved the goal, and a year from that date will be the end date.)
- Once you’ve completed all fields, the result may look like this:
- With the option to change the IEP Dates here:
- Once you’re finished entering information into the IEP Goal fields and updating the IEP Dates, click “Done” in the lower right corner of the screen, as shown above
- Then, click the “X” in the upper right corner to go back to the home page to view the Student’s test, with the IEP Goal icon now assigned to the test (visual in the upper right corner):
Test Session Results:
- Once the IEP Goal is set up with the test, you can have the Student take the test that is assigned to the goal (Click the testing student’s name, then “Test” under the test with the IEP Goal)
- Once the test is taken, users will see a Test Session Results popup, which will include two separate tabs: “Results” and “IEP Goal” (Please note that the IEP Goal tab will only appear once the IEP Goal has been created):
- Once in the IEP Goal tab (view below), users will see (first three are not editable):
- IEP Goal description
- Status
- Benchmark/Narrative
- Ability to click “Edit IEP Goal” to make any edits to the goal, based on the results of the test
Test Session Details:
- Test Session Details can be accessed via the “Details” button in the test:
- Like Test Session Results, when you access the Test Session Details, you’ll see two tabs: “Test Sessions” and “IEP Goal” (Again, please note that the IEP Goal tab will only appear if the goal itself has been set up)
- Once you click on IEP Goal tab, you’ll see similar fields of (unlike Test Session Results, all fields below are editable, by clicking “Edit” in the lower right corner of the IEP Goal tab):
- IEP Dates
- IEP Goal
- Status
- Narrative/Benchmark
- Finally, users can mark the goal as complete at any time during the active IEP period, by clicking “Mark Goal as Complete” within the goal
- Please note that this will set as automatically completed, once the IEP period has expired
- Also, users will be unable to modify the IEP Goal fields when it is not active; however, they can unmark it as complete to make final modifications
IEP Report:
- The IEP Report, the second part of ESGI’s new functionality, can be found by clicking on the IEP Progress link, under Specialist Reports, in the right margin:
- Then, once you’ve arrived at the IEP Progress popup, make the appropriate selections on the page, to generate the report you’d like to see. Once you’ve made your selections, click the “Run Report” button in the lower right corner, to generate the report:
- Once the IEP Report popup has been generated, you can download the PDF version by clicking “Download” in the upper right corner:
- Sample PDF of IEP Report:
- Please note that due to the customized, individualized natured of this feature, the IEP Report can only be generated for one Student at a time
HTML Version of IEP Report (Settings and Content):
- For the HTML version of the report, it will have the following settings to choose from:
- Status
- All: Shows all goals regardless of status
- In Progress: Only shows goals that are active
- Complete: Only shows goals marked as complete
- Results:
- Show Baseline: If checked, the baseline score will display; otherwise, it will be left out from the report
- Status
- Choose Session:
- This has 3 options:
- Date: This will show the most recent (singular) test session as of the specified date
- Marking Period: This will show all test sessions within the specified marking period
- Date Range: This will show all test sessions within the specified custom date range
- This has 3 options:
- Finally, for the content within the HTML version of the report, users can expect to see the following:
- Test Name (skill being assessed)
- IEP Goal
- Status
- Results
- This is a Test History graph of the test sessions included
- Narrative/Benchmark
- Notes (if applicable)
- Recommendations (if applicable)
Example of IEP Report Content: