The Details button is useful for tracking a student's performance on each test session. It also provides information about the items marked correct or incorrect, and the session duration, which can be useful when reporting student performance.
This Support Page provides step-by-step instructions below for:
- Viewing Test Details
- Editing Test Details
- Viewing, Adding and Editing Question and Summary Notes
- Deleting or Restoring a Test Session
- Changing the Test Session Date
- Entering Previous Test Results
- Printing Test Session Details
- Running a Subset Test
To learn about the test details button in the Beta version of ESGI, click here.
Viewing Test Details
2. Select the test session date from the drop down menu:
3. The questions answered correctly, incorrectly or not tested will display, as well as the test session number and session duration (45 seconds in the example below).
Editing Test Details
1. Select the test session date from the drop down list:
2. Click "Edit" at the bottom of the screen:
3. Answers can be moved from one column to another by checking multiple boxes and then clicking the arrows in between each column to move them into a different column:
Answers under the "Not Tested" column are counted in the score as "Incorrect". Answers under the "Not Tested" column can be left out of the Parent Letter. To include the "Not Tested" answers on the Parent Letter, select the “Skipped Questions” option when running the Parent Letter.
4. Once the change is complete, click "Save". Changes cannot be "undone" because the system does not know what was edited, but answers can be selected again and moved back to their original column.
Viewing, Editing, Adding Question and Summary Notes
1. Click on a student name from your class list, then click “Details” on the specific test.
2. A blue "note" icon will be next to any item where a note was made. Hover over this icon to display the full note.
3. To edit the note, click on the icon, make the edits in the blue text box, and then click "Save".
4. Notes may be added to an answer even after testing. Hover over the item needing a note. Click the "Add Note" icon when it pops up:
5. Add the note in the text box, then click "Save".
6. To delete a question note, open the note, click on the delete icon and select Delete.
7. You may also add a Summary for notes that pertain to the entire test session.
- Select Edit.
- Enter notes in the Summary box for the next session.
- Save.
Deleting or Restoring a Test Session
Note: Scores from the first test session will appear as the baseline on all reports. If the first test session is deleted, then the next test session will become the baseline.
- Click on a student name from your class list, then click “Details” on the specific test.
- Select the test session from the drop down menu.
- Click the “Edit” button at the bottom of the screen and click "Delete test session" next to the test session:
4. A "Show Deleted Sessions" box will display if any test sessions have been deleted. To restore a test session, click the "Show deleted sessions" box.
5. Select the test session that needs to be restored. It will say “deleted” in parenthesis:
6. Click the "Restore" button:
Changing the Test Session Date
A test session date can be edited in the Details section. To do this:
- Click on a student's name from your class list, then click "Details" on the specific test you need to update:
- Choose the Test Session Date from the drop-down list that you need to change and then click the Edit button.
Click in the Date field to bring up the Calendar. Choose the new test date and time (by clicking on the small clock icon) and click the Save button when finished.
Entering Previous Test Results
Test sessions previously given to students can be manually entered into ESGI.
1. Click on a student's name from your class list, then click "Details" on the specific test that you need to manually enter results for.
2. Click the Add Test Session link.
3. All test questions will be listed in the Not Tested column. Check the boxes for the items you want to move into the Correct (Mastered) or Incorrect (Not Mastered) columns and then click the arrow button for the corresponding column.
4. Once the test items are moved into the correct columns, you can then follow the instructions above to Change the Test Session Date to the original session was administered. When you are finished, click the Save button.
Printing Test Session Details
Test Session Details can be downloaded and printed for the whole class at once or by individual students.
By Class
1. Click on All Students, then click “Details” on the specific test:
2. Select Download and choose from the 4 options.
3. You will receive a notice that the file is generating and a pop up when it is completed.
By Individual Student
1, Click on a student's name from your class list, then click "Details" on the specific test:
2. From the download dropdown menu in the top-right corner, choose Current Session or All Sessions. Current session will only download the session you select under Test Session. All Sessions will download all test sessions in descending order.
3. The download will print as a PDF only.
4. The PDF page header will print the date, subject tab, teacher (that administered the test). Class will also display if there is more than one class in the account (like AM and PM).
5. All data shown in the test session details will display on the PDF (session number, duration, date, time, score, correct, incorrect, not tested questions and any notes that were recorded)
6. Each page in the PDF will be numbered at the bottom-right
Running a Subset Test
Subset tests can be run through the Details of a student's test.
1. Select a student name, then click the "Details" button:
2. Click "Run Subset":
3. Select any of the questions to run as a shorter test and click “Start Test”. When you complete the subset test, the Pie Chart and Class Totals report will both show the results of the subset test as if the entire test was given.
If you were testing the 26 uppercase letters, you could choose 20 subset test questions. If the student answered 7 questions correctly during the subset test, the pie chart on the Home Page would update to show that the student had answered 7 questions correctly.