To Create a Free Trial Account:
- Go to and click the blue "Free Trial" link at the top right, or the “Free Trial No Credit Card Required” button.
- Enter your email address that you want to associate with your ESGI account. This email address will be used for a password reset, updates to your account, or product update notifications.
- Your Username will default to your email address, but can be changed. Enter a password.
- Enter a Promo Code (optional).
- Complete the "reCAPTCHA", and click Create Trial.
- Click Continue to finish your trial set up by entering the information below, or choose to Finish Later:
* Enter your Name, Country, State, School Name, Timezone and Grade Level(s). If your school is not listed as an option, click "My School isn't Listed" and manually enter your school name. - Click Done and you will immediately be logged into your ESGI account.
To Create a New Account with an Activation Code:
- Go to and click the Activate button at the top (right).
- On the next screen, enter your Activation Code in the first field.
- Enter your email address that you want to associate with your ESGI account. This email address will be used for a password reset, updates to your account, or product update notifications.
- Your Username will default to your email address, but can be changed. Enter a password.
- Complete the "reCAPTCHA", and click Submit.
- You will be taken to a screen to finish your account setup.
* Enter your Name, Country, State, School Name, Timezone and Grade Level(s). If your school is not listed as an option, click "My School isn't Listed" and manually enter your school name. - Click Done and you will immediately be logged into your ESGI account.