The Item Analysis report helps teachers determine which items or concepts were mastered, and which should be revisited, as well as help identify small groups of students with common needs and close the gaps in your class. It shows a bar graph for each question on a test and the percentage of students that answered correctly, incorrectly or have not yet been tested. School and District Admins have the option to filter this report by grade level.
1. Select Reports – Item Analysis
2. Select the Class or Group then select the Subject Tab, along with the test which you want featured on the report. You also have the option to sort the report and to display students who were not tested as incorrect
The report Sort options are:
- Least known (default)
- Most Known
- Question Order
- Alphabetical
- Display Not Tested as Incorrect (default)
3. Click “Run Report”
By default, the report will be sorted by the least known question and will display the Not Tested Items as Incorrect. Below is a sample report using the default options. The green bar is the total number of students that answered the question correctly. The gray bar is the total number of students that answered incorrectly or were not tested. Click on any bar in the graph to display the students on the left grouped by their answer:
By unchecking the box next to "Display Not Tested as Incorrect", the Incorrect and Not Tested answers will be separated on the bar graph. The green bar is the total number of students that answered the question correctly. The blue bar is the total number of students that answered incorrectly. The gray bar is the total number of students that were not tested on that question. The groupings on the left side remain the same:
*District and School Admins have the added option of filtering the report by grade level:
4. Details of this report can be downloaded to Excel for another way to analyze the data. Select the Subject Tab and Test by using the drop-down arrows at the top, click Download and choose to export as PDF or Excel:
Downloaded as Excel, the first worksheet will look similar to this:
The student names are listed on the left and the test and test questions are across the top. An "X" in the cell indicates a correct answer, a blank cell indicates an incorrect answer and "NT" indicates the student was not tested on that question.
Two additional worksheets are available that show the data in Details and Graph: