Subject Tabs created by a School or District Admin (purple and/or blue Subject Tabs) can be changed only by the School or District Admin.
Test order on gray Subject tabs can be done one of two ways:
- By clicking and dragging
- By organizing them in Test Explorer
Step-by-step instructions can be found below the video:
To Click and Drag:
- Select the Subject Tab. You will see all the tests on that tab.
- In the colored part with the Test Name, click and drag the tile to the new position.
To Organize in Test Explorer:
1. Click the “Manage Tabs & Tests” gear:
2. Click on the Subject Tab name in the list to expand the list, showing the tests on that tab.
3. Click and hold the “Move” icon (6 small dots) and then drag the Test Name to the position desired.
4. Click the Done button.