Tests can be hidden and unhidden from your view in Test Explorer, however they cannot be deleted. Tests will always be available for use later in Test Explorer. You do not have to be the author of a test in order to hide it from your view in Test Explorer. If a test is shared with anyone, you can hide it, but it will not be hidden from anyone else’s view in Test Explorer. If a test is on a Subject Tab and then hidden in Test Explorer, it will remain on the Subject Tab until removed. Step-by-step instructions are provided below.
Hiding a Test
1. Click Test Explorer.
2. On the left, select My Tests to view the tests you have created or have added to your Subject Tabs.
3. Click the "eyeball" icon next to the test name.
4. If you would like to view it (and any other hidden test), check the box next to "Show Hidden results".
Unhiding a Test
1. Check the Show Hidden Results box, then click the "eyeball with line" icon next to the test name.