Data can be exported from a District Admin Account. Please see this page for steps to set up the export.
The 3 export options and the fields each option provides are listed below. Each time an export is run, a CSV text file is created.
Every student has a record for every Test. Each student has 1 record for each Test, which has their score for this test, and the total possible (Max Score)
- Test Date
- Student ID
- First Name
- Last Name
- Grade Level
- School ID
- School Name
- Teacher ID
- Teacher First Name
- Teacher Last Name
- Marking Period
- Test ID
- Test Name
- Correct Answers
- Max Score
- System Test ID
- Grade
EXPORT w/Answers
There is a record for every test question for each student. One step deeper than the Export Report, the Export Answers Report has a record for each test question. It will therefore have thousands, to hundreds of thousands of records, depending on the size of the number of teachers / students. It tells if the question was answered correctly, incorrectly, or Not Tested.
- Test Date
- Student ID
- Teacher ID
- Question – (This is “[TestName] :: [QuestionName]”. It looks like “Uppercase Letters :: B” or “Sight Words :: the”
- Y/N/NT
- Date Learned
- Test IDN
- Student First Name
- Student Last Name
- School ID
- School Name
- Teacher First Name
- Teacher Last Name
Export w/Questions
Every student has a record for every test. Answers are fields in the report, by question number. This report combines elements of the first two reports. First, it has a record for each Test, for each Student, so it has fewer records than the Export Answers report, however, it has extra columns, one for each test question, which tells the Question Status: if the student answered the question correctly, incorrectly, or Not Tested. It is basically the same as the Export Report, with extra columns for each question, telling the Question Status.
- Test Date
- Student ID
- First Name
- Last Name
- Grade Level
- School ID
- School Name
- Teacher ID
- Teacher First Name
- Teacher Last Name
- Marking Period
- Test ID
- Test Name
- Correct Answers
- Max Score
- System Test ID
- Q1
- Q2
- Q3
- Q4
- Q…
- Grade