To generate a report, select Reports, click on the report you want to run, select Class, Group or Student the report is for, and select Generate Report (you can also modify the class, group, or student selection once the report is generated).
Parent Letter (Print student results with personalized messaging for parent review)
Language Translations link in document - Student Detail (Comprehensive breakdown of correct/incorrect items, scoring, and student progress over time)
- Student Progress (View student progress as raw scores, percentages, or grades)
- Class Grades (Apply customizable grade scales to student scores)
- Class Totals (Review and compare student scores for a subject tab)
- Item Analysis (Bar chart based on least and most known items)
- Pie Charts (Printable report of homepage pie charts)
- Rubric Results
- Untested Students (Identify untested students to administer testing)
To view the reports landing page in the Legacy version of ESGI, click here.