The Parent Conferencer is a tool for teachers to schedule and manage their conferences. Teachers can:
Easily schedule conferences for each student
Print letters to parents with conference information
Print conference reminders to send home
Print the schedule for office or personal use
Clear the conference schedule
Scheduling Conferences:
Click "Parent Conferencer" in the left column of the Home Screen.
Click "Add Date" and use the calendar to select the conference date(s), then click “Confirm.”
Click "Add Time" and use the drop-down arrows to enter the time(s), then click "Confirm".
Click on a student name from your class list on the left and drag/drop the name into the conference time slot (do not manually type the names). Students can only be assigned to one time slot.
Printing Conference Invitations and Reminders:
To print the Conference Invitations or Reminders for the entire class, click the Download button and choose Conference Invitation or Conference Reminder. They will be downloaded onto your computer and will include a letter for every student's name on the conference schedule.
To print a Conference Invitation or Reminder for a single student, click the Student Name and then click the Download button. Choose Conference Invitation or Conference Reminder. The invitation or reminder for that single student will download onto your computer.
Printing the Schedule:
To print the Conference Schedule, click the Download button and choose Conference Schedule. The schedule will be downloaded onto your computer.
To Edit the Conference Details:
Click on a student name.
In the box that pops up you can change the student in the time slot, length of conference, room # and language.
To Edit the Conference Letter and/or Conference Reminder:
Click "Edit Invitation and Reminder Messages” link then select the Template from the dropdown box.
Choose the Language of the template you want to Edit.
Click on the “Edit” link.
ESGI has translated the default English template into Spanish. If changes are made to the English template, those same changes must be made to the Spanish template (it does not automatically translate these changes). When finished, click "Save".
The Conference Letter and Conference Reminder will automatically be printed in the language selected for the student.
Clearing the Conference Schedule:
To clear the conference schedule, click the Clear Schedule link at the top of the schedule.
Once the conference schedule has been cleared, you will then see the option to Reset Schedule. Click that link to reset the schedule back to the previous version.