Click on the settings icon in the left-hand column of the home screen to access the Quick Setup. Select the arrow to the left of the Quick Setup icon to see all the system setting options.
Sort Students by: Use the dropdown arrows to sort students by first or last name. Click SAVE when finished.
Time Zone: Use the dropdown arrows to select the correct time zone. Click SAVE when finished.
Legacy Version Switch: to return to the Legacy version of ESGI, select Go back to old ESGI.
Single Sign On:
Select the appropriate link below for complete details on linking your ESGI account to Clever or ClassLink for single sign-on.
Keyboard Shortcuts:
Enabled – Allows you to use the left and right arrow keys or the letters “Y” and “N” on the keyboard to mark a question as correct or incorrect, instead of clicking the “Yes” and “No” buttons on the screen. Click SAVE when finished.
Test Button Labels:
Enabled: Allows you to change the “Yes” and “No” test button labels to something else (i.e., “Y” and “N”). This field has a 5-character limit. Click SAVE when finished.
Student Testing Options:
Self-assessment Administration - when enabled allows you to select to administer a test one-on-one or as a student self-assessment.
Lock Homepage – when enabled, requires that a PIN be entered to return to the homepage after a student completes self-assessment.
Test Result Verbiage: Customize to change the verbiage for tests results from Correct/Incorrect to something else (I.e., “Mastered” and “Not Mastered”). This field has a 12-character limit. Click SAVE when finished. The custom verbiage will display everywhere where “Correct/Incorrect” previously displayed.
Test Session Results:
Select With scores to enable a pie chart display when a test session has ended.
Select Without scores to display graphic without scores