Student rosters can be uploaded into ESGI using an .xlsx or .csv file, using our provided template or your own! This feature is available to teachers only, but not available to teachers that have their rosters automatically imported into ESGI.
Students that have been tested in ESGI must be added using Student Manager.
Specialists can add students using Student Manager or the + icon if the student has never been tested in ESGI.
Files can be uploaded from the Home Screen.
To use the Student Upload Tool:
- From your home screen, select a class and then click the “+” button and select “Add Students via File”:
- The Add Students menu will open on the right-hand side of your screen.
- It is highly recommended to download the template, but if you have a file with the required fields, then click Upload a file and skip to step 6.
- If the template is needed, click on Get the template and it will download. Click Enable Editing to begin:
Required Fields:
- Student First Name
- Student Last Name
- Grade
- For PreK, enter PK
- For Kindergarten, enter K
- For Transitional Kindergarten, enter TK
- Language - will default to 'English'
- Gender - will default to ‘Prefer not to say’
Optional Fields:
- Student ID - if not included, the field will remain blank
- Gifted/Talented
- Birth Date
- Race & Ethnicity
- 504
- Lunch Status
- Enter your student information on the template, save the file as xlsx or csv, then click 'Upload a file”:
- If any required information is missing, a pop up with display:
- Correct the file. When complete, the 'File Upload is Complete' message will pop up and your students will be listed under 'All Students' (your class list):
- Click 'Got It' and you are ready to test students!