Subject Tabs can be hidden or deleted from your Home Screen. Any tests on the Subject Tab will still be available in Test Explorer, as well as any test data that was collected on the test. If a test or subject tab is hidden or deleted and then added back, the test data for those students will populate.
Hiding a Subject Tab:
Click the “Edit” button in the Subject Tabs menu to enter Edit Mode.
Once you are in Edit Mode, click on the Pencil button to the right of the Subject Tab that you wish to hide.
Check the box to the left of “Hidden Subject” to hide this Subject Tab and hit “Save.”
Note: If you wish to delete this subject, you can do that by clicking on the red trashcan button
A hidden Subject Tab will appear grayed out with an eye icon to the left of it when you are in Edit Mode. Once you are finished hiding the Subject Tabs hit “Done”
Deleting a Subject Tab in the Test Explorer:
Under Subject Tabs and Testing at the top-right of the Test Explorer screen, click the “Manage Tabs & Tests” cog.
Find the Subject Tab you wish to delete, then click on the trash can icon to delete it.
A confirmation window will display. Click Delete.
Click Done to return to the Home Screen.