Pre-Assessing is typically a pre-screening of incoming Kindergarteners. It may also be called Kindergarten Round Up. Oftentimes, it is done in the Spring to determine placement for the next school year.
This Support Page provides information regarding the following:
Pre-Assess Account FAQ:
What are Pre-Assess Accounts?
Pre-Assess Accounts are complimentary, temporary accounts set up by School. They work exactly like a regular teacher account, except that a large number of students can be tested in it.
Are Pre-Assess Accounts part of the Import?
No, they are not part of the import; therefore, students need to be manually added by each school.
Is Single-Sign On available for Pre-Assess Accounts?
Single Sign is not available; users will log in with a username and password from
How will the students be moved into the teachers’ accounts in the beginning of the school year?
When the Importing Team runs the import in the Fall, the students will auto populate into the teachers’ accounts.
How will the data carry over into the teachers’ accounts?
Data is connected to each student file and the exact tests that are given.
Teachers must have the same tests in their individual teacher accounts that are used in the Pre-Assess Account for the Baseline data to be visible.
What is the best way to ensure that the data is automatically visible in the teachers’ accounts?
Please have a District Admin create and publish Purple Subject Tabs specifically for the Pre-Assess Account (also known as district-managed subject tabs).
This ensures that all the pre-assess users are administering the same tests.
Please see our District Managed Subject Tabs Support Page for more information.
Requesting a Pre-Assess Account:
If you do not already have a Pre-Assess Account set up, please email, and provide the following information:
The school names that need a Pre-Assess Account.
Contact Name and Email Address for each school.
Your Pre-Assess Testing Window.
Logging into the Pre-Assess Account:
Please go to, enter the Pre-Assess Username that was provided to the Pre-Assess Account contact (in an email from ESGI Support), and click Forgot Password.
The Pre-Assess Contact will receive a password reset email with instructions on creating a password of their choice.
If more than one teacher will be using the account, please share the credentials with each of them.
Adding and assigning Students to the Pre-Assess Account (3 options):
STUDENT MANAGER: To avoid creating duplicate student files, please first search in Student Manager to see if they are already in ESGI. If the students are there, select the student and assign them to your roster (see screen print below).
Creating a new student file manually for a student who is already in ESGI creates a 2nd student file and this data will not carry over in the Fall.
Rosters of students who have never been in ESGI before can be uploaded into your ESGI Pre-Assess Account using an .xlsx or .csv file.
Step by step instructions can be found by clicking here to view our Upload Tool Support Page.
Click the (+) sign
Add full name (as it is in your SIS)
Current Grade level
Typing a new student creates a new student file, so no previous data will be associated with students added this way.
Choosing and adding assessments:
In ESGI, data is only visible if the tests that are used to assess a student are displayed on the home screen in the teachers' accounts.
Please check with your district contacts to see if there are specific tests they would like you to use in the Pre-Assess Account within purple District Managed Subject Tabs.
If the district does not have specific tests for you to use, then please follow the guidance below:
To ensure all pre-assess users are administering the same tests, we highly recommend the use of Managed Subject Tabs (created in a District Admin Account) specifically for pre-assessing.
This will also ensure that the pre-assess data is automatically visible in the teachers’ accounts in the Fall.
Information on District Managed Subject Tabs can be found on our Support Page.
If District Subject Tabs are not used, the next year’s teachers will need to add the same tests used in the Pre-Assess account to their home screen in order to see Baseline data.