The Student Detail Report combines many reports into one! It includes the scores from the Class Totals, the grades from the Class Grades, the Pie Chart, the Test History Line Graph, and the correct and incorrect answers from the Parent Letter. It can be run for a single student or all students in the class.
To run the Student Detail report, select Reports > Student Detail
2. On the Student Detail Report use options in each section to display the report with your choices
A. Select Students
- Class, Group or Student Lists
- Select all students in the list or individual students
B. Select Students
- Select Subject tab from the dropdown menu
- You can select all, some or even a single test for the report
- Performance metrics for each test are displayed next to the test name. These represent a cumulative count of correct, incorrect, and NT items.
C. Settings
- If “Show Baseline” is checked, the Baseline Score (B) will show on the report. If this option is not checked, the Baseline Score (B) will not show on the report. This setting will persist each time the report is generated.
- “Show Summary” can be selected to include summary notes on the report. They appear just below the Correct and Incorrect responses under test question notes.
- “Show Notes” can be selected to include question notes on the report. They appear just below the Correct and Incorrect responses.
- If “Carry forward” is checked, the score will reflect the student's last test session regardless of which marking period they were tested in. If the student is not tested during the 2nd marking period, the 1st marking period's score will remain. If "Carry forward" is not checked, only the scores from specific marking periods are shown.
D. Grades
- “Include Grades” Only available if the grade scales set up in advance.
E. Marking Period
- Current - only scores from the current marking period will be shown.
- All - scores from all marking periods will be shown.
F. Display not tested as:
- If "NT" is selected, an "NT" will display if the student was not tested.
- If "Zero" is selected, those same values become 0.
G. Output
- Select either Color or Black & White for printing.
- When all options are selected, Run Report.
An explanation of the different areas on the report is below:
a. The table shows the raw score and the grade (if the option to Include Grade is selected).
b. The Pie Chart shows the percent correct and percent incorrect for the most recent test session for that specific test.
c. The Test History Line Graph displays a data point for each test session.
d. Hovering over a data point on the line graph shows the date the test was administered, and the number correct for that specific test session.
e. Correct and incorrect answers are displayed for the most recent test session.
f. Question notes and test summary notes are displayed if those options are selected.
g. Report options can be modified here.
h. Click Download and select either “One PDF File” (a single file that contains all students) or “ZIP” (a zipped folder that contains individual files for each student)
When downloading a large amount of data, a pop up will appear letting you know the file is generating and will continue to run in the background. Click "Got It" to continue using your account.
When the zip file is ready, a notification will appear in the lower left corner. Click on the notification to view and print the file: