The Admin Dashboard is full of widgets that you can customize and set up yourself.
Please note that widgets will only populate and can only be created for district and school-managed subject tabs.
1. To get there, please select the first option in the main navigation panel on the left, right underneath the year drop down.
2. On the Dashboard you will see two types of widgets. There's the full screen size, which goes completely across the width of the screen. And then there's the default, which is a half-page. You can have two default widgets in the same row.
Full Screen Widget:
Default (half-screen) Widget:
Moving Widgets
The order which the widgets are displayed can be adjusted by going into “Rearrange Mode.” To do this:
1. Start by clicking the up and down arrows button at the top right of the application
2. Once you’re in ‘Rearrange Mode” the widgets will display numbers from top to bottom – left to right. Place your cursor on crosshair icon to move numbered tiles to new spot. Once a tile is dropped into its spot. The number will change.
3. Once you have the Dashboard set up to your liking, click "Save” at the top right of the application
Adding Widgets
1. In the default window, you will always see the add widget option at the bottom of the screen.
2. When a full-screen widget is active you, must select the “+” button located at the top right of the application
3. Once selected, a side panel window will appear. This window will display the 3 available widget types: District Performance, Demographic Performance, and Lowest Achieving Students.
4. From the add widget side panel, select your desired widget. Once selected it will turn Blue to show it is in an active state
5. Each widget comes with “Tags”, these tags are customizable fields within each of the widgets
6. Click the “Add” button to add the widget to your Dashboard 7. Once a widget is added, you’re going to see the default selection for all fields, as well as the default name for district performance, demographic performance, or lowest achievement students
Editing Widgets
1. Widget fields are editable. You can exit out of the widget, make any changes that you want to any areas of the widget and select save. You can delete the widget by using the trashcan icon
2. If you select the trashcan icon you will get a warning screen. Click “Confirm” to proceed with the deletion of the widget
You can learn more about each of our widgets and how to configure them by visiting these articles:
Demographic Performance Widget
Students Needing Support Widget
Last Updated Section
The “Last Updated” section indicates when the last time your dashboard was updated. It will always be in your time zone. The time will be updated several times throughout the day as changes are made to the dashboard Downloading
The Download Icon gives you the option to download a CSV file with all of the data from each of your widgets. Once the CSV is downloaded, each widget will have its own separate tab within the file