The Specialist Activity Report details the specialists’ usage of their ESGI accounts and is available only for District Admins. The report lists the specialists and contains information on active accounts that are current or that expired within the last 6 months.
1. From your Admin Dashboard, select “Data” located on the left side of the application window. This will take you to the Data Page, which will always default on the “Schools” tab. (Please note, the “District Reports” button in the bottom right corner of the application window will remain constant throughout all levels of the Data Page hierarchy by default.)
2. Click on the blue button in the bottom right corner of the application screen to see all the available reports associated with your selection
3. From this pop-up, click on Specialist Activity
4. The report will generate with the following columns:
- School Name
- Specialist Name
- Expiration Date
- Last Login Date
- Login Count: for the current school year only
- Total Tests Authored: total tests the user authored; includes hidden tests but excludes draft tests
- Tests Administered: Shows the current year value for each unique test session where >= 1 questions were asked
- Tests Completed: Shows the current year value for each unique test session where all of the questions were asked
- Questions Asked
- Students Enrolled: number of students assigned to the user's group
- Students Tested
5. Report can be downloaded to PDF or Excel.