The Student Progress Report is similar to a report card. It lists all the test scores, percentages, and/or grades (if Grade Scales are configured) for one student. The report can be run for all tests on a single Subject Tab, or for all tests on all Subject Tabs.
1. From your Admin Dashboard, select “Data” located on the left side of the application window.
2. Select either the "Classes" or "Students" level of the hierarchy.
3. Select your desired class (or student) and click on the blue "Run Reports" button.
4. From this pop-up, select "Student Progress".
5. Using the drop-down menu, select the Subject Tab or select “All” to report on all Subject Tabs:
6. Using the check boxes to the left of each test, check the tests to be included in the report. Use the scroll bar on the right side to view and select additional tests. Click “Run Report”:
7. Display options are listed at the top of the report:
- Using the drop-down menu, select a different Class (if applicable), Student or Subject Tab.
- Show Results as Score, Percent or Grade.
- If "Carry Forward" is checked, the score will reflect the student's last test session regardless of which marking period they were tested in. If the student is not tested during the 2nd marking period, the 1st marking period's score will remain. If "Carry Forward" is not checked, only the scores from specific marking periods are shown.
- If “Show Baseline” is checked, the Baseline Score (B) will show on the report (this is selected by default). If this option is not checked, the Baseline Score (B) will not show on the report. This setting will persist each time the report is generated.
- "Show in Color" box can be unchecked for printing in black and white.
- "Display not tested as":
- If the "NT" radio button is selected, an "NT" will display if the student was not tested.
- If the "Zero" radio button is selected, those same values become 0.
8. To download to PDF for saving or printing, click “Download” in the upper right corner, then select “One PDF File” (a single file that contains all students) or “ZIP” (a zipped folder that contains individual files for each student).
9. When downloading a large amount of data, a pop up will appear letting you know the file is generating and will continue to run in the background. Click "Got It" to continue using your account.
When the zip file is ready, a notification will appear in the lower left corner. Click on the notification to view and print the file:
10. Once the report is downloaded, the report name, date, and student name are at the top of each page. The marking period key is at the bottom of each page.