Activation Code (current or expired account)
Log into your account
For current accounts, click on Renew
Select Add My Activation Code
Enter your Activation Code in the field then click Next.
Your account's expiration date will be updated, and a confirmation of the new expiration date will display.
Credit Card (current or expired account)
Log into your account
For current accounts, click on Renew
Select Buy/Renew
Make sure the Renewal box is checked. The New Expiration Date and cost for 12 months will display. Additional years or months can be added by clicking on the drop-down arrows (a minimum of 12 months must be selected). The cost will adjust accordingly. Click “Next”.
The total amount that will be charged to your credit card will appear. Verify the amount, then click "Check Out".
Enter credit card information and then click "Purchase", or "PayPal"
A receipt will be sent to the email address associated with your ESGI account and your expiration date will be updated.
Additional Student Slots
Select Add Students on the Account Management Screen:
The current number of students is displayed under “Current Limit”. To add additional student slots, under “New Limit”, click the up arrow until the desired number of TOTAL student slots is displayed. For example, if you need 3 additional slots, change your new limit to 38. The limit is 50.
Additional student slots are $8.00 each for 12 months. The additional cost will be prorated to your current account expiration date. When you are finished adding the student slots, click “Add Students”
Click "Check Out".
Enter credit card information and then click "Purchase", or "Check out with PayPal".
A receipt will be sent to the email address associated with your ESGI account.