The purpose of the Class Totals Report is to show growth over time, summarize each student’s score for each test on one page, and allow teachers to rank their class based on the data.
The Class Totals Report lists each student in the class and their most current number of correct answers for each test that has been given during each marking period in the selected Subject Tab. The score for each marking period will reflect the last time you tested during that period. Students can be sorted (or ranked) according to their score for any test, during any marking period. This helps identify the students who need support in any given area.
This Support Page will provide step-by-step instructions on:
- Running the Report and Selecting Setting Options
- Sorting the Class Totals Report
- Total Number of Questions and Average % Correct
- Marking Period Columns and Scores
- Comparing the Baseline Score to Other Marking Period Scores
Running the Report and Selecting Options:
1. From your Admin Dashboard, select “Data” located on the left side of the application window.
2. Select the "Classes" level of the hierarchy.
3. Select your desired class (or student) and click on the blue "Run Reports" button.
4. From this pop-up, select "Class Totals".
5. Choose Select the Report Settings options:
Display results as:
- If the "Score" radio button is selected, the student score for the test will be shown.
- If the "Percent" radio button is selected, the percentage will be shown.
- Carry forward - if checked, the score will reflect the student's last test session regardless of which marking period they were tested in. For example, if the student is not tested during the 2nd marking period, the 1st marking period's score will remain.
- - If "Carry forward" is not checked, only the scores from specific marking periods are shown.
Display results as:
Marking Period:
- If Current is selected, only scores from the current marking period will be shown.
- If All is selected, scores from all marking periods will be shown.
Marking Period:
Display not tested as:
- If the "NT" radio button is selected, an "NT" will display if the student was not tested.
- If the "Zero" radio button is selected, those same values become 0.
Display not tested as:
6. Select “Report” to view the report. If needed, changes to the selected settings can be made in this view:
Sorting the Class Totals Report
Click on any column header to sort by that column. The first name, last name, and marking period column headers can be sorted. The arrow to the right of the column heading identifies the sorted column. The scores can be sorted lowest to highest or highest to lowest by clicking on the arrow. For example:
- Sort by First or Last Name
- Sort by Average Percent Correct for the 1st Marking Period:
- Sort by one test for the 3rd Marking Period:
Total Number of Questions and Average Correct (%)
The column headers of the report show the total number of questions on that specific test.
The “Average Correct (%)” is the average percent correct for all tests on the report and allows ranking the class by the overall score (helpful when placing students in groups). If “Carry Forward” is not checked, the NT’s (not tested) do not count toward the average.
Marking Period Columns and Scores
At the beginning of the school year, the Class Totals Report will have only two columns of data for each test. The "B" is the baseline and the "1" is the First Marking Period.
The Baseline Score is the number of questions the student answered correctly the first time tested (regardless of the test date or marking period).
If the student was in ESGI last year (as a full student or for a pre-assessment), then the “B” Score is the final score from the previous year; this only happens when the exact same test is being used in both years. The "B" Score can be changed only by deleting the Baseline Test.
The first marking period score is the score from the most recent test administration within the 1st marking period. This score will continue to change as the test is re-administered.
When the second marking period begins and the test is administered again, a “2” column will appear. If "Carry Forward" is checked, the “2” column will show the same score as the “1” column. If “Carry Forward” is unchecked, and “Display Not Tested as Zero” is checked, then it will display a “0”. If “Carry Forward” is unchecked, and "Display Not Tested as NT" is checked, then “NT” will display. The score in the "2" column will update each time the test is re-administered. The “1” column will continue to reflect the last score from the 1st marking period.
The scores in each marking period column are the number of correct answers for the most recent test administration within that marking period.
Comparing the Baseline Score to Other Marking Period Scores
- If the "B" score is 0, but the "1" column has a number, then:
- the first time the test was given, any (or all) questions were marked incorrect. This can happen if just one question was marked incorrect, and the test was closed. When the student was tested again during the 1st marking period, at least one question was answered correctly.
- If the "B" score is the same as the "1" column, then:
- the test was given only once or
- the test was given more than once, but the student did not get any additional answers correct.
- If the "B" score is less than the "1" column, then:
- the test was given more than once, and the student answered more questions correctly on the 2nd (or 3rd, etc.) time the test was given within the 1st marking period.
- If the "B" score is more than the "1" column, then either:
- the test was given a second time within the 1st marking period, Retest All was selected, and the student did not answer as many correctly as the first time
- the test was given in the 2nd marking period. The 1st marking period will be "0" and the "2" column will display the score from the most recent test administration in the 2nd marking period.