District Admin Accounts have the option of downloading a specific school year's roster data into three files: teachers, students and rostering. These files can be used in a number of ways:
- Quick access to a list of all teachers and students currently rostered in a school year
- Comparing ESGI data and data in another SIS (student information system)
- Comparing district rostering between different school years
- Custom reporting and analysis
To get this data:
1. To access your settings, please click on the cog icon at the bottom left corner of the application window. Doing so will open the settings column.
2. From the settings column, click on "Export Data"
3. Click "Export Roster for School Year".
Similar to the files used for importing, the download contains 3 files:
Teachers file: contains all teacher accounts currently assigned to schools in the school year.
Students file: contains all students that are assigned to a class for the school year.
Roster file: contains all students, the teacher they are rostered against, and the school the student is rostered to. The file also contains the Grade Level of the student.
Below are the descriptions for each file's column headings:
- Teachers.txt
- TchID – Teacher Unique ID (alpha – numeric)*
- SchCode – School Unique ID (alpha – numeric)
- TchFN – Teacher Firstname
- TchLN – Teacher Lastname
- Email – Teacher Email
- UserName – Teacher Login
- Students.txt
- StuID – Student Unique ID (alpha – numeric)
- FirstName - Student Firstname
- LastName - Student Lastname
- Gender – Gender.
- HomeLang – Student Home Language
- Rostering.txt
- StuID – Student Unique ID (alpha – numeric)**
- TchID – Teacher Unique ID (alpha – numeric)
- SchCode – School Unique ID (alpha – numeric)
- Grade – Grade Level