The District Students report is only available in a District Admin Account. This report is exactly like the Class Totals report but includes all students in the district. The school, teacher, class, grade and student name are listed. If teachers are using more than one set of marking periods, the track is also listed. This is best used with Managed Subject Tabs. Step-by-step instructions can be found below:
1. From your Admin Dashboard, select “Data” located on the left side of the application window. This will take you to the Data Page, which will always default on the “Schools” tab. (Please note, the “District Reports” button in the bottom right corner of the application window will remain constant throughout all levels of the Data Page hierarchy by default.) 2. Click on the blue "District Reports" button in the bottom right corner of the application screen to see all the available district reports
3. From this pop-up, click on "District Students"
4. Once the report runs, easily switch to run the report for another Subject Tab by clicking the drop-down arrow. To run the report for a specific grade level, click the “Grade” drop down arrow and select the grade level. If your district has varying marking period tracks, the legend will display:
- * = Never applies: the teacher or school does not have this marking period as part of their track
- -- = Does not apply yet: the teacher/school's marking period has not yet begun
Select the Settings options:
- "Display results as":
- If the "Score" radio button is selected, the student score for the test will be shown.
- If the "Percent" radio button is selected, the percentage will be shown. - "Display not tested as":
- If the "NT" radio button is selected, an "NT" will display if the student was not tested.
- If the "Zero" radio button is selected, those same values become 0. - "Scores/Percents":
- If "Carry forward" is checked, the score will reflect the student's last test session regardless which marking period they were tested in. If the student is not tested during the 2nd marking period, the 1st marking period's score will remain.
- If "Carry forward" is not checked, only the scores from specific marking periods are shown.
5. Sort the report by clicking on School, Teacher, Class, Student, Grade, Marking Period for a Test, or the Average % Correct. The arrow next to the column heading identifies the sorted column.
6. View the report online or download as a PDF or Excel file.