The Teacher Activity Report details the teacher usage of their ESGI accounts and is available only for District Admins with ESGI accounts. The report lists both school and teacher, and contains information on active accounts that are current or that expired within the last 6 months.
1. Select "All Schools" on the left side of the Data Screen.
2. Click the Teacher Activity button on the right hand side of the Data Screen.
3. An example of the report is shown below. The report can be downloaded to a PDF or Excel.
Details of the other columns in the report:
- Expiration Date: The date the account expires.
- Last Login Date: The date the last time the teacher logged into the account. It is blank if the teacher has never logged in.
- Login Count: The number of times the teacher has logged into the account during the current school year. Logging in to create the account is not counted.
- Total Tests Authored: The number of tests the teacher has written and/or copied since the account was opened.
- Tests Administered: The number of test sessions during the current school year.
- Tests Completed: The number of test sessions to completion during the current school year.
- Questions Asked: The number of questions asked to all students from all tests during the current school year.
- Students Enrolled: The number of students in the class list for the current school year.
- Students Tested: The number of students that have had at least one test session during the current school year.