The School Grade Report allows schools to set up customizable ‘report card’ style reports. These include a customizable Grade Scale (A, B, C, etc.) and customizable Grade Ranges (i.e., 90-100% correct = A). Grade scales for the blue School Subject Tabs (Managed Tabs) can be set up by a School Admin. The grade scales can be customized with point values for each test. Step-by-step instructions can be found below.
1. On the Data Screen, select "All Teachers" on the left side and select a Blue Subject Tab.
2. On the right-hand side under School Reports, select School Grades
3. Select Your Grade Scale - Under My Scales, choose an existing scale (if any have been set up) or Create My Own. You also have the option to select a pre-loaded System Scale.
4. To create a custom grading scale, enter information under Grade Description, to the right of Create My Own.
- Fill in the Grades (high to low) that you want to use
- To change the pre-populated color, click on the color square and a menu selection will populate
- Fill in the description for each grade level
- Click on "+Add Another" to add additional grade levels
- The order of the grades can be moved by selecting the 6 button menu under "Order."
- When done, select "Save and Continue"
5. Select your Default Percentage values. A reminder will populate stating "The default percentage value will apply to all subject tabs using the [E-M-B] grade scale"
- The grading scale will populate.
- Enter the percentage range for each grade
- Select OK
- See step 6 to set a Custom Range.
6. Choose Set Custom Range to set a custom range for each test.
- You can set a custom range for each test with a subject tab using a numeric range based on the total number of questions in each test.
- Choose subject tab from the dropdown menu
- The number of tests in that subject tab will appear in parentheses next to "Tests"
- Select each test from the dropdown menu
- Select "Same all year" if your grading scale will stay the same across all marking periods.
- Select "Different per Marking Period" if your grade scale will change for each marking period.
- Complete the grade scale for each test in the subject tab
- Continue setting grading scales for more subject tabs by selecting another tab from the dropdown menu
- When done, choose Save and Continue
7. Run Report
8. Once the report runs, easily switch to run the report for another teacher, class, and/or Subject Tab.
The report can also be sorted by clicking on Teacher, Class, Student, Grade, and by the highest-to-lowest or lowest-to-highest score within each marking period column for a specific test. The arrow next to the column heading identifies the sorted column. If your school has varying marking period tracks, the legend will display:
- *= Never Applies: the teacher or school does not have this marking period as part of their track
- -- = Does not apply yet: the teacher/schools' marking period has not begun