Functional Skills Tests are a series of tests related to teaching and assessing daily living skills for both Special Education and General Education students.
Daily living/functional skills include tasks such as tying shoes, folding a washcloth, or washing the dishes. Tests can be used for task analysis, creating/assessing/tracking IEP goals related to daily living, self-care, and fine motor, as well as used to support executive function development. Test previews can be used as visual task cards. Flashcards can also be printed for sequencing activities, task box visuals, or sent home to generalize skills. Prompting and cueing can be tracked in the notes section on each step/question.
Test titles include:
- Folding a Washrag
- Cleaning the Table
- Washing Dishes
- Sweeping the Floor
- Tying Shoes
- Sorting Groceries
- Putting Away Groceries
- Safety Sign Identification-Receptive
- Safety Sign Identification-Expressive
- Brushing Teeth